I've been tagged

Recently, I was tagged by my friend Jenn over at hostess with the mostess. So, now it's my turn to share 6 strange and interesting things about myself. I always enjoy getting to know a little more about my friends in the blogging community and I hope you learn a little something about myself.
•1• For such a girly little blog, I am actually quite a tomboy. I love mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing and driving our dune buggy out in the desert! I have even been known to try my hand at: surfing, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, water skiing and snow skiing . The picture above is my husband and me riding our bikes in Gooseberry Mesa, just outside Zion National Park in Utah - this area is one of my favorite vacation destinations!
•2• My husband and I traveled around for a month on our honeymoon and only had 1 destination on our itenerary (we made up the rest of the trip as we went along!) We saw the first privately manned trip to space in the middle of the Mojave Desert by Space Ship One! We also: went mountain biking in Sedona; took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon; rode jet skis in Lake Havasu, went backpacking (and got lost!) in the Sierras, took a river rafting trip through Yosemite, rode our bikes all around San Francisco, drove down the beautiful California coast and topped it off with a trip to Magic Mountain!
•3• I have lived in the desert, at the beach, in the big city and we now live in the country.
•4• I seem to have a problem letting animals just have one name. I always have to give them multiple nicknames. For instance, the cute little dalmation curled up at my feet right now, well his name is Neil, but we also call him: Neilson, Nelson, Neiler-Wheeler-Dude, Poopers, Punkin...just to name a few!
•5• The funnest holidayI have spent was the 4th of July a few years ago. My husband and I, along with a few of our friends, paddled out on surfboards near the pier in Ocean Beach. They shoot the fireworks off from the end of the pier, so they literally explode right over you! That night we also experienced the effects of the red tide, so each time we moved our hands through the water, it just lit up a gorgeous bright blue-green color!
•6• Ok, this one is weird and I'm embarrassed to admit it but, I sleep with my arms clenched close to my body. I'm not cold or mad, I just wake up that way!
So, now it's my turn to tag someone. I'm going to send it overseas and tag Rebecca at Piccalilli.