In response to Dr Laura's blog post on the Palin Family structure.
http://www.drlaurablog.com/This really ticks me off. Dr Laura is full of it, and has become her own worst enemy at the moment. DL I love ya, but the over the top commetary can be quilled for the moment, the other side is providing plenty of fotter, no need to contribute... Mam, may I respectfully ask, not right now, not just yet, in due time please.
I absolutely believe 1 parent needs to be home all the time. We (Lorenzens') have set ourselves up for this when the time comes. Suzy will be home raising our children. Dr Laura paints a picture that would eliminate me as a parent and may infer, to those not familiar with the radio show, that a male parent is not fit to serve as a full time stay at home dad. Her statements taken to their ends would depict this, yet I don't think Dr Laura believes this if asked plainly: Do you believe a stay at home dad fits into the family structure?
It has not been widely spread in the media yet, but Todd Palin will be cutting back on his oil field job and his fishing business should his wife be elected VP. Let's take a quick step back and ask ourselves what spouse of the President or VP has kept their day job? The answer is none in recent history. Yet, Dr Laura paints a picture of the Palin Family that isn't true, somewhat unfair, and very premature.
Dr. Laura got ahead of herself by putting junk like this on her blog with out letting the structure of the Palin family home play out, and it speaks to Dr Laura's agenda. The agenda is a great one, but pretty transparent, and easily questioned by her/our opponents on the liberal left. An agenda is great, an over zealous transparent, hole ridden agenda gives fuel to a fire that isn't needed.
Dr Laura stated, "When Mom and Dad both work full-time (no matter how many folks get involved with the children), it becomes a somewhat chaotic situation"
Bottom line, Dr Laura's blog statement is wrong and presumptuous, Todd Palin is not keeping his day job or his fishing business and leaving his children to be raised by his family members. Family will undoubltly be a huge help in the Palin Family. I'm sure Dr Laura's statement will be retracted soon enough, but in the mean time, Dr. Laura is doing a disservice to the cause of stay at home parenting.
Sean Lorenzen
(Hat tip to Tira for pointing us to Dr Laura's blog. WakayamaMammaBlog)Labels: dr Laura, stay at home parenting