Friday, February 09, 2007

My Little Helper

Meet Neil. He wouldn't get all the way in the picture and he certainly wouldn't get out of the picture, but I think we've managed just fine. Oh, and the cute little vintage apron I'm wearing, is now available at etsy.
*Update* The apron is sold!

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Blogger cally said...

Ha, I love that, you are still up reading blogs and I'm guessing it must be nearly midnight where you are... or maybe my memory of time zones is wrong. I Really should go to my bed, 7.30am here in Scotland, but I get sucked in to blog reading and hte time flies! Glad you popped by my blog too. You should peak at my 6 weird things, they really arequite weird as I am now realising having read everyone else's.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Qiana said...

Hey suzy..thanks so much for your comment....I am still trying to figure this blogging stuff out....
I was wondering does neil work with you as well? If yso I am jealous...wich I could bring my sidekick ith me day!!!! Keep creating the beaustiful things you do!!!!


12:28 PM  

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