Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lucas Oil Off Road Race Series - Rounds 3 and 4

Rodrigo Ampudia - We ALWAYS get some great shots from this truck!

Dixie-Chopper Pro 4WD.
A big thanks to the Daugherty Racing Boys for letting me hide out in the shade of their truck in the pits.


The part of this photo we failed to capture, is that he actually is giving the crowd a "thumbs up!"

Those of us along the sidelines, were calling this the "butterfly effect."
The manly-men on the forums are referring to it as the "bird wing style hood."

Sean during the half time show. - HA! Just Kiddin'!


Monday, April 06, 2009

Lucas Oil Off Road Race Series - Round 1

Where else does a kid get a chance to drive right over a hay bale?

One of my favorites.

I've learned if you just wait long enough in one spot, you can usually get one of these shots.

Just me being nosy.

A huge thanks to Larry Job for letting me hop inside his buggy for the driver's perspective shots!

It doesn't get much cuter than this!

I'm no expert, but...I do know you can't get too much further like that or...


We'll have all images up on our website by mid-week.
